1 cumplir
v.1 to do, to carry out, to perform.los candidatos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos the candidates shall meet o satisfy the following requirements2 to keep (promesa).cumplió su deseo de subir al Aconcagua she fulfilled her wish of climbing the AconcaguaElla cumple la ley She obeys the law.3 to reach (años).mañana cumplo 20 años I'm 20 o it's my 20th birthday tomorrowcumple años la próxima semana it's her birthday next week, she has her birthday next week¡que cumplas muchos más! many happy returns!4 to serve (condena).5 to expire.6 to do one's duty.cumplir con alguien to do one's duty by somebodypara o por cumplir out of politenesscumplir con el deber to do one's dutycumplir con la palabra to keep one's wordyo me limito a cumplir con mi trabajo I'm just doing my job7 to comply.este producto no cumple con la normativa europea this product doesn't comply with o meet European standards8 to fulfill, to carry out, to accomplish, to achieve.Ella cumple sus obligaciones She fulfills her duties.9 to do one's job, to comply.Ella cumple siempre She does her job always.10 to reach the age of, to get to the age of, to reach, to be.Ella cumplió cinco años She got to the age of five years.* * *2 (promesa) to keep4 (años) to be, turn■ ¡que cumplas muchos más! many happy returns!5 (satisfacer) to do, carry out, fulfil (US fulfill)1 (plazo) to expire, end2 (deuda, pago) to fall due1 (realizarse) to be fulfilled, come true2 (fecha) to be\cumplir con alguien to keep one's promise to somebodycumplir con el deber to do one's dutycumplir con la Iglesia to fulfil (US fulfill) one's religious obligationscumplir con la ley to abide by the lawcumplir con las obligaciones to fulfil (US fulfill) one's obligationscumplir con su palabra to keep one's wordpara cumplir / por cumplir as a formality* * *verb1) to accomplish, carry out2) fulfill, comply with3) expire•* * *1. VT1) (=llevar a cabo) [+ amenaza] to carry out; [+ promesa] to keep; [+ objetivo, sueño] to achieve; [+ ambición] to fulfil, fulfill (EEUU), achieve; [+ papel] to playlos contratan para cumplir las misiones más difíciles — they are hired to carry out o do the most difficult tasks
la cárcel no cumple su función preventiva — prison is failing to fulfil its role as o failing to act as a deterrentlos parques naturales cumplen la función de proteger nuestro patrimonio natural — nature reserves serve to protect our natural heritage
cumplió su palabra de aumentarnos el sueldo — he kept his promise to give us a pay riseles ha acusado de no cumplir su palabra — he has accused them of failing to keep o breaking their word
2) (=obedecer) [+ ley, norma, sentencia] to observe, obey; [+ orden] to carry out, obeysolo estoy cumpliendo órdenes — I'm only carrying out o obeying orders
hacer cumplir la ley/un acuerdo — to enforce the law/an agreement3) (=alcanzar) [+ condición, requisito] to comply with, fulfil, fulfill (EEUU), meetestos productos no cumplen las condiciones sanitarias exigidas — these products do not comply with o fulfil o meet the necessary health requirements
4) (=realizar) [+ condena, pena] to serve; [+ servicio militar] to do, completetiene el servicio militar cumplido — he has done o completed his military service
5) [con periodos de tiempo]a) [+ años]hoy cumple ocho años — she's eight today, it's her eighth birthday today
cuando cumplas los 21 años — when you're 21, when you reach the age of 21
¿cuántos años va a cumplir? — how old is he going to be?
¡que cumplas muchos más! — many happy returns!
b) [+ aniversario, días]6) (Naipes) [+ contrato] to make2. VI1) (=terminar) [plazo] to end, expire; [pago] to fall due2) (=hacer lo correcto) to do one's dutytengo la tranquilidad de haber cumplido — at least I can say that I did my duty o what was expected of me
mi marido no cumple en la cama — hum my husband isn't performing (in bed)
prepárales una sopita y con eso cumples — just make them a bit of soup, that's as much as can be expected of you
3)• cumplir con — [+ compromiso, acuerdo] to honour, honor (EEUU); [+ ley] to observe, obey; [+ condición, requisito, criterio] to fulfil, fulfill (EEUU), comply with, meet
tendrá que cumplir con lo estipulado en el acuerdo — he will have to comply with what was stipulated in the agreement
tendrán que cumplir con el calendario acordado — they will have to comply with the schedule we agreed on
para cumplir con los criterios de Maastricht — in order to comply with o meet the Maastricht criteria
4)5) frm (=corresponder)lo he recibido dos veces, con la amabilidad que me cumple — I've received him twice, with the friendliness that is expected of me
6) (Mil) to finish one's military service3.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo1)b) <promesa/palabra> to keep; < compromiso> to honor*, fulfill*; <obligación/contrato> to fulfill*c) ( alcanzar) <objetivo/ambición> to achievela solicitud debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos — the application must fulfill the following conditions
el edificio no cumple las condiciones mínimas de seguridad — the building does not comply with minimum safety standards
d) ( desempeñar) < papel> to perform, fulfill*2) <condena/sentencia> to serve; < servicio militar> to do3) <años/meses>mañana cumple 20 años — she'll be o she's 20 tomorrow
¿cuándo cumples años? — when's your birthday?
2.mañana cumplimos 20 años de casados — (AmL) tomorrow we'll have been married 20 years
cumplir vi1)a)cumplir con algo — con obligación to fulfill* something, satisfy something; con tarea to carry out something; con trámite to comply with something; con requisito/condición to fulfill* something
cumple con su trabajo/deber — he does his job/duty
lo invité a comer, creo que cumplí — I took him out for lunch, so I think I've done my duty o (colloq) my bit
2) (en 3a pers) (frml) ( corresponder)3.me/nos cumple informarle que... — (Corresp) I am/we are writing to inform you that... (frml)
cumplirse v pron1) deseo/predicción to come true; ambición to be realized, be fulfilled2) plazo* * *= abide by, be due, fulfil [fulfill, -USA], satisfy, make + good, uphold.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio upheld.Ex. Any library coming into OCLC has to agree to abide by those standards.Ex. The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.Ex. We can only depend upon a rectangular building to fulfil this if it has a small floor area.Ex. This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.Ex. The British Library has announced a wide ranging programme using digital and networking technologies to make good its commitment to expedite access to its unparalleled collections.Ex. It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.----* al cumplir la fecha = at term.* cumplir con = comply (with), conform to.* cumplir con la responsabilidad de Uno = do + Posesivo + share.* cumplir (con) lo convenido = fill + Posesivo + agreement.* cumplir (con) lo prometido = deliver + the goods, come up with + the goods, keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + promesa = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement, fill + Posesivo + agreement.* cumplir con una obligación = live up to + Posesivo + obligation, fulfil + obligation, honour + obligation.* cumplir (con) un compromiso = live up to + commitment.* cumplir (con) un criterio = meet + standard.* cumplir (con) un deber = discharge + duty.* cumplir (con) un plazo = meet + deadline, comply with + deadline.* cumplir con un principio = comport with + principle.* cumplir el turno de Uno en = take + Posesivo + turn at.* cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.* cumplir la ley = observe + the law.* cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir las condiciones para = be eligible for.* cumplir las expectativas = come up to + expectations.* cumplir las normas = abide by + rules and regulations.* cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.* cumplir los requisitos = come up to + requirements.* cumplir los requisitos para = be eligible for.* cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad = carry out + Posesivo + responsibility.* cumplirse = hold + true, hold.* cumplir una condena = serve + time, serve + sentence.* cumplir una condición = meet + condition, satisfy + condition, fill + requirement.* cumplir una función = fulfil + function.* cumplir una misión = accomplish + mission.* cumplir una política = uphold + policy.* cumplir una promesa = fulfil + promise, live up to + Posesivo + promise, keep + Posesivo + promise.* cumplir una regla = observe + rule, comply with + rule.* cumplir una responsabilidad = accomplish + responsibility.* cumplir una sentencia = serve + sentence.* cumplir una tarea = accomplish + task.* cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.* cumplir un objetivo = fulfil + goal, meet + objective, meet + purpose, satisfy + purpose, serve + function, serve + purpose, meet + target, fulfil + objective.* cumplir un requisito = match + criterion, meet + criterion, meet + specification, satisfy + requirement, fill + requirement.* hacer cumplir = uphold.* hacer cumplir la disciplina = enforce + discipline.* hacer cumplir la legislación = enforce + legislation.* hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcement, enforce + law, legal enforcement.* hacer cumplir una norma = enforce + standard.* hacer cumplir una política = uphold + policy.* hacer cumplir unas normas = enforce + policy.* no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.* no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.* no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.* no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.* no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.* no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.* no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.* no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.* no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.* no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.* organismo encargado de hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcing agency.* que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.* que no se puede hacer cumplir = unenforceable.* que se puede hacer cumplir = enforceable.* tener un deber que cumplir con = have + a responsibility to.* * *1.verbo transitivo1)b) <promesa/palabra> to keep; < compromiso> to honor*, fulfill*; <obligación/contrato> to fulfill*c) ( alcanzar) <objetivo/ambición> to achievela solicitud debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos — the application must fulfill the following conditions
el edificio no cumple las condiciones mínimas de seguridad — the building does not comply with minimum safety standards
d) ( desempeñar) < papel> to perform, fulfill*2) <condena/sentencia> to serve; < servicio militar> to do3) <años/meses>mañana cumple 20 años — she'll be o she's 20 tomorrow
¿cuándo cumples años? — when's your birthday?
2.mañana cumplimos 20 años de casados — (AmL) tomorrow we'll have been married 20 years
cumplir vi1)a)cumplir con algo — con obligación to fulfill* something, satisfy something; con tarea to carry out something; con trámite to comply with something; con requisito/condición to fulfill* something
cumple con su trabajo/deber — he does his job/duty
lo invité a comer, creo que cumplí — I took him out for lunch, so I think I've done my duty o (colloq) my bit
2) (en 3a pers) (frml) ( corresponder)3.me/nos cumple informarle que... — (Corresp) I am/we are writing to inform you that... (frml)
cumplirse v pron1) deseo/predicción to come true; ambición to be realized, be fulfilled2) plazo* * *= abide by, be due, fulfil [fulfill, -USA], satisfy, make + good, uphold.Nota: Verbo irregular: pasado y participio upheld.Ex: Any library coming into OCLC has to agree to abide by those standards.
Ex: The date due calculated by the circulation programs is always checked against the list of dates the library is closed to ensure that a document is not due when it cannot be returned.Ex: We can only depend upon a rectangular building to fulfil this if it has a small floor area.Ex: This will satisfy the second objective of an author catalogue, in that it becomes easy to review the extent of a library's collection of works by a specific author.Ex: The British Library has announced a wide ranging programme using digital and networking technologies to make good its commitment to expedite access to its unparalleled collections.Ex: It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.* al cumplir la fecha = at term.* cumplir con = comply (with), conform to.* cumplir con la responsabilidad de Uno = do + Posesivo + share.* cumplir (con) lo convenido = fill + Posesivo + agreement.* cumplir (con) lo prometido = deliver + the goods, come up with + the goods, keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) + Posesivo + promesa = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir (con) un acuerdo = honour + commitment, honour + agreement, fill + Posesivo + agreement.* cumplir con una obligación = live up to + Posesivo + obligation, fulfil + obligation, honour + obligation.* cumplir (con) un compromiso = live up to + commitment.* cumplir (con) un criterio = meet + standard.* cumplir (con) un deber = discharge + duty.* cumplir (con) un plazo = meet + deadline, comply with + deadline.* cumplir con un principio = comport with + principle.* cumplir el turno de Uno en = take + Posesivo + turn at.* cumplir la condición de la búsqueda = match + request specification.* cumplir la ley = observe + the law.* cumplir la palabra = keep + Posesivo + word, live up to + Posesivo + word.* cumplir las condiciones para = be eligible for.* cumplir las expectativas = come up to + expectations.* cumplir las normas = abide by + rules and regulations.* cumplir lo que se dice = live up to + Posesivo + claim.* cumplir los requisitos = come up to + requirements.* cumplir los requisitos para = be eligible for.* cumplir + Posesivo + responsabilidad = carry out + Posesivo + responsibility.* cumplirse = hold + true, hold.* cumplir una condena = serve + time, serve + sentence.* cumplir una condición = meet + condition, satisfy + condition, fill + requirement.* cumplir una función = fulfil + function.* cumplir una misión = accomplish + mission.* cumplir una política = uphold + policy.* cumplir una promesa = fulfil + promise, live up to + Posesivo + promise, keep + Posesivo + promise.* cumplir una regla = observe + rule, comply with + rule.* cumplir una responsabilidad = accomplish + responsibility.* cumplir una sentencia = serve + sentence.* cumplir una tarea = accomplish + task.* cumplir un enunciado lógico de búsqueda = satisfy + logic statement.* cumplir un objetivo = fulfil + goal, meet + objective, meet + purpose, satisfy + purpose, serve + function, serve + purpose, meet + target, fulfil + objective.* cumplir un requisito = match + criterion, meet + criterion, meet + specification, satisfy + requirement, fill + requirement.* hacer cumplir = uphold.* hacer cumplir la disciplina = enforce + discipline.* hacer cumplir la legislación = enforce + legislation.* hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcement, enforce + law, legal enforcement.* hacer cumplir una norma = enforce + standard.* hacer cumplir una política = uphold + policy.* hacer cumplir unas normas = enforce + policy.* no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.* no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.* no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.* no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.* no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.* no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.* no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.* no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.* no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.* no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.* organismo encargado de hacer cumplir la ley = law enforcing agency.* que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.* que no se puede hacer cumplir = unenforceable.* que se puede hacer cumplir = enforceable.* tener un deber que cumplir con = have + a responsibility to.* * *cumplir [I1 ]vtA1 (ejecutar) ‹orden› to carry outpara hacer cumplir la ley to ensure that the law is upheld o enforcedlos inquilinos que no cumplen estas normas tenants who do not abide by o comply with o observe these rulesla satisfacción del deber cumplido the satisfaction of having done one's duty, the satisfaction of having performed o ( frml) discharged one's dutyno se cumplió el calendario previsto they failed to adhere to the proposed schedule2 ‹promesa/palabra› to keepno cumple sus compromisos he doesn't honor o fulfill his obligations3(llenar, alcanzar): la solicitud debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos the application must fulfill the following conditionsel edificio no cumple las condiciones mínimas de seguridad the building does not comply with o come up to o meet minimum safety standardslos objetivos económicos que han de cumplirse cada año the financial goals which have to be met o must be achieved each yearnunca llegó a cumplir esta ambición he never achieved o managed to achieve this ambition4 (desempeñar) ‹papel› to perform, fulfill*la organización no cumple su cometido the organization is not fulfilling its functioncumplimos todos nuestros objetivos we achieved o accomplished all our aimsB ‹condena/sentencia› to serveestá cumpliendo el servicio militar he is doing his military serviceC [ Grammar notes (Spanish) ]‹años/meses› mañana cumple 20 años she'll be o she's 20 tomorrow¿cuándo cumples años? when's your birthday?¡que cumplas muchos más! many happy returns!¡que los cumplas muy feliz! have a very happy birthday!mañana cumplimos 20 años de casados ( AmL); tomorrow we'll have been married 20 years, tomorrow is our 20th wedding anniversaryla huelga cumple hoy su tercer día this is the third day of the strike■ cumplirviA1 cumplir CON algo ‹con un deber/una obligación›cumplimos con nuestro deber we did our dutyyo cumplí con lo que se me había asignado I carried out the task assigned to me, I carried out o performed o ( frml) discharged the duties assigned to meno cumplió con los trámites legales previstos he failed to comply with the relevant legal procedurecumple con su trabajo he does his job2(con una obligación social): lo invité a comer, creo que cumplí I took him out for lunch, so I think I've done my duty o ( colloq) my bita ver si por una vez cumples I hope you'll do as you say o you'll keep your word for oncenos invitó sólo por cumplir she only invited us because she felt she ought to o she felt it was the thing to do o she felt it was expected of her, she only invited us out of dutycumplir CON algn:con los Pieri ya hemos cumplido as far as the Pieris are concerned, we've done what was expected of us o we've done our duty by them(en sentido sexual): se queja de que ya no cumple she complains that he doesn't do his duty as a husband o doesn't fulfill his conjugal duties any more ( euphor hum)B ( en tercera persona)1 ( frml)(corresponder): me/nos cumple informarle que … ( Corresp) I am/we are writing to inform you that … ( frml)2 ( frml)(convenir): le cumple esforzarse más it behooves ( AmE) o ( BrE) behoves you to make more of an effort ( datedor frml), it is in your best interest that you should make more of an effortA «profecía/predicción» to come truese cumplieron sus deseos her wishes came truese cumplió su gran ambición her great ambition was realized o fulfilledB«plazo»: mañana se cumple el plazo para pagar el impuesto tomorrow is the last day o is the deadline for paying the taxhoy se cumple el primer aniversario de su muerte today marks o is the first anniversary of her death* * *
cumplir ( conjugate cumplir) verbo transitivo
‹ ley› to obey;
‹ compromiso› to honor( conjugate honor), fulfill( conjugate fulfill);
‹obligación/contrato› to fulfill( conjugate fulfill)
‹ requisitos› fulfill( conjugate fulfill);◊ ¡misión cumplida! mission accomplished
2 ‹condena/sentencia› to serve;
‹ servicio militar› to do
3 ‹años/meses›:
¡que cumplas muchos más! many happy returns!;
mañana cumplimos 20 años de casados (AmL) tomorrow we'll have been married 20 years
verbo intransitivo
‹ con tarea› to carry out sth;
‹ con trámite› to comply with sth;
‹con requisito/condición› to fulfill( conjugate fulfill) sth;
b) ( con una obligación social):
con los Lara ya hemos cumplido we've done our bit as far as the Laras are concerned (colloq)
cumplirse verbo pronominal
[ ambición] to be realized, be fulfilledb) [ plazo]:
hoy se cumple el primer aniversario de … today marks the first anniversary of …
I verbo transitivo
1 (un proyecto, tarea) to carry out, fulfil, US fulfill
2 (un deseo) to fulfil
(promesa) to keep
3 (sentencia) to serve
4 (años) ayer cumplí treinta años, I was thirty (years old) yesterday
II verbo intransitivo
4 (actuar de acuerdo con) cumplir con lo pactado, to carry out an agreement
5 (quedar bien) to do the right thing (by): tenemos que cumplir con tu madre, we have to do our bit for your mother
6 (plazo) to expire, end
' cumplir' also found in these entries:
- ejecutar
- hacer
- informal
- limitarse
- rito
- atender
- cumplido
- faltar
- mantener
- pacto
- portar
- prometido
abide by
- achieve
- carry out
- comply
- conform
- discharge
- do
- enforce
- execute
- fulfil
- fulfill
- honour
- keep
- law
- live up to
- meet
- neglect
- obey
- observe
- order
- promise
- qualify
- reach
- satisfy
- serve
- serve out
- time
- turn
- act
- binding
- break
- carry
- community
- complete
- deliver
- follow
- function
- go
- hold
- honor
- infringe
- live
- word
* * *♦ vt1. [realizar] [deber] to do, to carry out, to perform;[contrato, obligaciones] to fulfil; [ley] to observe; [orden, amenaza] to carry out; [promesa] to keep;cumplir los mandamientos to keep o obey the commandments;cumplí las instrucciones al pie de la letra I followed the instructions to the letter;los que no cumplan las normas serán sancionados anyone failing to comply with o abide by the rules will be punished;el ministerio no está cumpliendo su cometido de fomentar el empleo the ministry is failing in its task of creating jobs, the ministry is not carrying out its brief of creating jobs;cumplió su deseo de subir al Aconcagua she fulfilled her wish of climbing Aconcagua;esta máquina cumple todos los requisitos técnicos this machine complies with o meets all the technical requirements;los candidatos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos the candidates must meet o satisfy the following requirements2. [años] to reach;mañana cumplo veinte años I'm twenty o it's my twentieth birthday tomorrow;cumple años la próxima semana it's her birthday next week, she has her birthday next week;cuando cumplas los dieciocho te regalaremos una moto we'll give you a motorbike when you're eighteen o for your eighteenth (birthday);¡que cumplas muchos más! many happy returns!;tal y como está de salud, el abuelo no cumplirá los ochenta in his current state of health, it's unlikely that grandad will see his eightieth birthday;la Feria del Automóvil cumple este año su décimo aniversario the Motor Show celebrates its tenth anniversary this year3. [terminar] [condena] to serve;[servicio militar] to do♦ vi1. [plazo, garantía] to expire;el plazo de matriculación ya ha cumplido the deadline for registration is already up o has already expired2.cumplir con [norma, condición] [m5] este producto no cumple con la normativa europea this product doesn't comply with o meet European standards;varios países cumplen con los requisitos para acceder al mercado único several countries fulfil the criteria o meet the terms for joining the single market;yo me limito a cumplir con mi trabajo I'm just doing my job;cumplir con su deber to do one's duty;cumplir con su palabra to keep one's word3. [por cortesía]con el ramo de flores que le enviamos ya cumplimos I think we've done our duty o all that's expected of us by sending her a bunch of flowers;lo dijo por cumplir she said it because she felt she had to o out of politeness;acudió a la boda por cumplir con su hermano she went to the wedding out of a sense of duty to her brother4. Fam Euf [satisfacer sexualmente]acusó a su marido de no cumplir she accused her husband of failing to fulfil his marital o conjugal duties* * *I v/tfulfil2 condena serve3:cumplir diez años reach the age of ten, turn tenII v/i1:cumplir con algo carry sth out;cumplir con su deber do one’s duty2:te invita sólo por cumplir he’s only inviting you out of politeness* * *cumplir vt1) : to accomplish, to carry out2) : to comply with, to fulfill3) : to attain, to reachsu hermana cumple los 21 el viernes: her sister will be 21 on Fridaycumplir vi1) : to expire, to fall due2) : to fulfill one's obligationscumplir con el deber: to do one's dutycumplir con la palabra: to keep one's word* * *cumplir vb4. (pena) to serve5. (años) to be6. (plazo) to expire / to end
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